Sunday, November 29, 2009

Preventive Health Screening in El Dorado County

The Cameron Park Community Center may not be the location that you typically think of for administering lifesaving screenings. However, on Tuesday December 15th, 2009, the nation's leader in Community-based preventive health screenings will be coming to your neighborhood Over 5 Million people have participated in Life Line Screening's Ultrasound screenings that can determine your risk for stroke caused by carotid artery disease, abdominal aortic aneurysms and other vascular diseases. Cardiovascular disease in the #1 killer in the US of both men and woman-and a leading cause of permanent disability.
A package of four painless Stroke, Vascular Disease and Heart rhythm screenings cost only $139. Your physicians likely haven't ordered these tests for you-because Insurance doesn't allow for it. Unless you have the symptoms. You don't want to find out, that once you have the symptoms-that it is already be too late-CATCH IT FIRST!!!.

"Ultrasound screenings have proven to be accurate in detecting vascular didease prior to active warning signs and before a major medical incident such as stroke or sudden death from aneurysm rupture." Society for Vascular Surgery

You must register prior to the event.

The Power of Prevention-

They have preventive screenings available coast to coast. Tell your friends, family, neighbors...You just may save a life. 1-800-395-1801 They are only here for one day-so don't miss the excellent opportunity to be proactive with your own life and Health, and promote a healthy way of life by telling those close to will be glad you did it!

For any information you might want or need on a Particular neighborhood near you-Wendi-Mae is your neighborhood /Resident specialist. Check out Your Community website, brought to you by Wendi-Mae and her team-at: and be sure to check out her resume' and other important information at you can also reach her Toll Free 866-333-6333 or by email 22 years of full time Real Estate experience. Director of the California Association of Realtors, Graduate of the Realtor Institute of California, Broker Associate Connect Realty, Real Estate COunselor, Certified Residential Specialist. Exceeding Expectations-that is what she does.

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