Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's time we all give back to our Communities!

Don't you agree? It doesn't always take fact, it rarely does. It just takes a little time, show your Community that you care. Help grow your Community-make it YOUR Community...tell me what you think. Suggestions?

Wendi-Mae Davis
Broker Associate
Connect, Inc.
Toll Free 866-333-6333

1 comment:

hazdesign said...

I am a repeat client and now consider myself a friend of Wendi-Mae's. She's not only an excellent real estate agent. She truly cares about our community and is involved in making our neighborhood a better place for all of us. She’s been a leader in the business and non–profit communities for years and is well respected as an experienced, authoritative voice in the industry who can get things done.

She has undertaken a one woman campaign to save kids in her inner city neighborhood. Young people there who have too many unstructured hours and too few good role models are vulnerable to gangs, weapons, alcohol, and drugs. These factors motivated this woman to organize the donation of furniture, games, books, clothing, school supplies for kids who normally would do without. All of this will furnish a room at the Fred K. Robinson Center.

For Wendi-Mae Davis giving is all about CSR – community social responsibility. A well known community activist she defines her philanthropic activities as being deeply rooted in belonging to a community of People who care.

She’s done everything from refurbishing homes of the elderly to planting trees around the neighborhood. She has also worked to create and maintain two new local dog parks and started a website that shows the best of each community to help other entrepreneurs and self-starters not just survive, but to thrive! (And it’s been a great resource for me to find out what’s going on in the community).

As a local business owner and new resident, I take great pride in aligning myself with Wendi-Mae. I know that she has all of the community as her priority, making my home a better place to live and grow in. I appreciate her dedication and energy and strive to be more like her – making time for the betterment of us all.


Heather Albright
Graphic Design Specialist
HAZ Design