Friday, July 16, 2010

El Dorado County...not just Gold Country...

You need to take your next vacation to Gold Country, El Dorado County! There is history here, shopping, hiking, white water rafting, rivers, lakes, some of the best restuarants you'll ever eat at, and some of the finest wine tasting establishments too! There are equestrian trails, places to swim, to dine romantically, bed & breakfasts-in some true Victorian's, antiques galore, bicycling trails, motor cross trails, garden nurseries, places to go camping or Gold panning...not to mention hot air balloon rides, fishing, did I mention kyacking? WOW-so make us your next town to visit-and I bet you might even find yourself wanting to move here!
When you do, give Wendi-Mae Davis,CRS,GRI a call! Broker Associate for Connect,Inc. Toll free 866-333-6333 direct or cell 916-616-0874 or email her at

Did someone say camping?

El Dorado County's back yard is the ElDorado National Forest. Established 1910, El Dorado sees more than 2.1 Million visitors each year. The forest offers a wide variety of recreational opportunities to the forest visitor looking to explore, seek out new adventures or revisit old memories. We have over 80 developed camp grounds and picnc areas, hundreds of miles of roads and trails, multiple large lakes and resevoirs, what seems like endless miles of rivers and streams-absolutely breath-taking scenery-and an abundance of plant and wildlife-worthy of a photo.For more information check out the ElDorado National Forest's website
Anything else you want to know about El Dorado County CA-I will be your resource! Wendi-Mae Davis CRS, GRI
Broker Associate for Connect, Inc. Toll Free 866-333-6333 Office 530-676-4447 or Direct 916-616-0874 Personal Website:

Moonlight Horse back riding starts at 8:30. Is From 8:30-10:30PM. Saddle up and be ready by 8:30. No stallions. Experienced riders only. Bring chairs, a beverage and a snack to share, if you plan to stay and socialize afterwards. Rain or hidden moon cancels. Suggested doantion $5.-$10.00. Location-cool area. Sign-ups req'd thru the American River Conservancy 530-621-1224 or How cool is that?

Your neighborhood connection-Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI Broker Associate for Connect, Inc. Toll Free 866-333-6333 Cell 916-616-0874 email

Monday, June 21, 2010

Vow to keep your home in shape too

Many of us set ourselves up each year with resolutions. Work out more, eat know the drill. Why not resolve to keep your home healthier this year too, with this seasonal checklist:

Spring time-Clean your gutters. Backed-up gutters can wreak havoc on siding and cause flooding. Scoop out leaves and debris with a trowel or hire a professional to do it. Check your roof. Wintery weather may have damaged the surface, and the first big rainstorm, left unchecked, could cause significant problems. Replace shingles as needed. If your fireplace got a workout during the winter months, give it a clean sweep. Best to call in the experts to inspect and clean creosote buildup.

Summer-Walk around your house to check for unsealed spots where squirrels or mice could sneak in. Look carefully for termites or ants too. Inside check your attic and make sure egess points are sealed tightly. Get ready for the warm season by giving any outdoor equipment (pools, swing sets, etc.) a thorough, top to bottom cleaning.

Fall-Ensure your furnace is in prime shape for he cold months ahead, and change all he air filters in your home. Make sure your home is adequately sealed. Apply weather stripping (such as tape, felt, foam, or vinyl tubing) around doors and windows. Trim branches near your home or roof to prevent damage when wintery weather hits.

Winter-Drain and insulate outdoor pipes to prevent freezing. Check for damaged sidewalk, driveway or stairs, and repair them before the first snow to avoid damaged mishaps.

This is all-so important, to avoid costly repairs from not keeping things "tuned up"-trust me, I've learned my lesson-hence, I share some of these points-to keep you from the expense I incurred this year-from "letting things go"-if I left something off this list, don't be shy-let me know!

Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, Broker Associate/Real Estate Counselor Toll Free 866-333-6333 HTTP://

Friday, June 4, 2010

Who do you think should be the next County Sheriff?

Cast your votes! Craig 4 Sheriff! Yes-that's what I said ,Craig Therkildson for Sheriff! Be sure to cast your vote this June 8th. Endorsed by previous County Sheriff Jeff Neves, myself-your Resident Realtor, and Neighborhood specialist-as well as
the majority of our County ( I assume! that is, if they know what is good for them!) I have been to several town hall meetings the past few months, and have met Craig and his wife Polly, both at his fundraiser dinner at Papa Giani's here in town, as well as at Oak Ridge high school-just last night. I have weighed the differences and, in some cases- the similarities of all the men running for the position. I have heard them all speek many times-and have talked to others in the Department that have worked with Craig and whom know the other candidates, as well. I know what I am saying, when I tell you that your vote is safe with Craig. As your neighborhood representative-and someone who not only sells homes in our community-but whom sells "our Community", and on a regular basis-I know what it means to have the right person running our County Department. Be sure to check out his personal website at: and, don't forget to cast your vote this June 8th!
For anything you may wish to know about El Dorado Hills, or any other town in our fine County-call your neighborhood representative-Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, Broker Associate Connect Realty, Real Estae Counselor Toll Free 866-333-6333 530-676-4447
We look forward to getting to know you!

The Tea Party in El Dorado! Quite an acive group!

I have been to many town hall meetings lately...glad to finally see a few more of our County residents gettin out to make it to these important meetings. THis past Wednesday, more than 600 of us convened at Oak Ridge high to hear what a few of the Politicians had to say....Carly sure gave the crowd
alot to clap she the right one to replace Barbara Boxer? Chuck De Vore made the crowd roar once or twice too...

Let's start a pole-what do you think?
Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, Broker Associate Connect, INC. Real Estate Counselor Toll Free 866-333-6333 or 916-616-0874 Direct. I want to hear from you!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thinking of buying a home? Consider this: The gap between monthly rents and mortgage payments is at its lowest level in almost 20 years.
In some markets, the difference can be less than $100, according to a national study conducted for The Associated Press by Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services.
The study, part of a week-long look at homeownership by the AP, found years of falling home prices and low interest rates have created the ultimate buyer's market. But while buying a home is more affordable, it isn't necessarily easier.
Tougher lending standards have made it harder to qualify for a home loan, and unemployment is at 9.7 percent. Tax incentives for homebuyers will expire April 30, and interest rates are expected to increase this year.
"Statistically, it's a great time to buy," said Hessam Nadji, managing director of Marcus & Millichap. "Psychologically, the consumer doesn't feel like it's a great time to buy."
The analysis of 45 metro areas found the difference between the monthly mortgage payment on a median-priced home and the median rent is down to $256. The last time that gap was anywhere near that small was in 1993 when it fell to $264, according to the study.
Marcus & Millichap used median prices for the last three months of 2009 and calculated mortgage payments by assuming a 10 percent down payment and a 30-year fixed loan at 5.07 percent, among other factors. It also assumed borrowers.

Let Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI Resident Realtor for Connect, INC., be your resource-phone us today Toll Free 866-333-6333 or direct at 916-616-0874 also or check out her personal website at:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

There is soon to be a new Sheriff in Town!

There is soon to be a new Sheriff in El Dorado County-Know the Candidates

Last Tuesday the El Dorado Hills Communty Center was the meeting place for all those interested, to come and meet the Candidates for County Sheriff. Also to hear what they had to say-about why they are running for County Sheriff-and what they will do while they hold the position.

There will be 3 to 4 more Town Hall meetings between now and the June 5th election Day. Be sure to check out your Candidates personal website or the Mountain Democrat (and Life papers) for the next scheduled event-near you. Here is a photo taken during the interviews at El Dorado Hills Community Center- The Candidates are:

Craig Therkildsen
"Protecting your safety" "You, Your family, Your property. In these difficult economic times, my experience will help make this happen."

George Nielsen
"Community Leadership for the Future"

John D'Agostini
"Leadership that Listens"

Bob Luca
"Proven Leadership for tough times"

Ernie Hillman
"Proven Leadeship We can trust"

Larry Hennick No website address given "Larry has the knowledge, training, experience and leadership to be our next leader of the Sheriff's department"

Check them out-You need to be involved with who will lead your Police Department. It is an important decision-and an important Vote. If you need a voter registration card-or any information on El Dorado County-and cities within, call me anytime:

Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI,
Broker Associate, Real Estate Counselor.
23 Year Veteran in the field!
Toll Free 866-333-6333 or
Resume' and references and many other resources and facts can be found at:

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Whistle Stops in El Dorado!

Well, it just might!
A proposed Railroad Park is on Track. Can you imagine sitting on a bench at the El Dorado Depot? THen hearing the whistle blow and the clinking sound of the rails as the locomotive makes its way up the grade from the "Y"...THere are bound to be many eager passengers! For some residents here, this is an all too distant memory; for others it only exists in the mind's eye, but for Everyone, it will one day be a realistic re-creation of the days when steam and iron colored the landscape. Recently the County Board of Sup.'s approved preliminary plans for the developement of a railroad musem in the town of El Dorado. The proposed El Dorado County Historical Railroad Park, located on the old Southern Pacific right of way, will display and operate railroading artifacts currently housed at the El Dorado County Historical Museum. Artifacts have been collected and preserved-many restored-from the county's rich railroading past for many.

Years.Survivors of a time when logging companies harvested "green gold" from makeshift camps like Caldor and Pino Grande, include the 102-year-old Shay Number 4 Locomotive, a tally-ho Rail Bus, an 1892 Porter Number 6 Switch Engine, a skidshed, sidings, and a bobby car, just to name a few-which was used to haul lumber via the 1200-foot-high cableway over the American River. The Railroad will operate between El Dorado Road and Blanchard Road. They also plan to recreat the original depot. Cool 'eh?

For more information on the railroad, or any place/anywhere in El Dorado County-
call your resident Realtor-Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI,
Broker Associate,
Connect Realty.con
Toll Free 866-333-6333